
Greetings and welcome to Room 9's blog.
Here you will find information, thoughts, and links to interesting new learning.
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Go and explore:-)

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Friday Celebration Rotation....

Room 9 finally got to experience Miss Shaw's celebration activity today. They took part in two activities. One was a craft and the other involved eating! Yummy.

Room 9: Your Mission.
Please descibe what we did and how it linked to our celebrations topic. Also add any new learning from todays session.


  1. We went on the mimo and looked at a paragraph and I learnt that the Japanese warriors used fans and also used for toys. Georgia

  2. well I learnt that the Japaneese warriors used fans to fight with.

  3. I lernt that the Japanese used to use fans as weapons.Matilda

  4. I had fun dowing shapes and coulers. and This cind of mac thing with miss neawallan.my fafrite was dowing coulers.
