
Greetings and welcome to Room 9's blog.
Here you will find information, thoughts, and links to interesting new learning.
I hope you have fun.
Go and explore:-)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Book Week

Hi Room 9. If you'd like to post a comment on the book week blog follow the link which is down the right hand side of our blog page.
Please tell me all about what you have been learning about during the rotation.


  1. I lunert adout the coroulers that coroulers have feeing

  2. I really injoyed the tresher hunt and we might win c.s

  3. bookweek was fun i learnt how people use lines to coulor in.louis

  4. I lurnt about shaps and coulers. one was with miss couts and miss lualanne i liked the shaps israel

  5. HOW your going miss shaw with your holiday i'm having a great holiday.but i'm sick today .My mums frend gave me a head ake bug when I watch tv or play computer so i'm staying home today witch is quit sad for me.but if I tipe to I might get aA bad headake again see you miss shaw.Joshua

  6. thanks miss shaw.JOSHUA
