
Greetings and welcome to Room 9's blog.
Here you will find information, thoughts, and links to interesting new learning.
I hope you have fun.
Go and explore:-)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Garden to Table

Today Kowhai Syndicate used the vegetables from the garden to make some tasty treats. Each class made a different item of food using the produce we harvested from the garden.
All the kids in Room 9 helped make our Marmite and Lettuce, and Mayonaise and Lettuce sandwhiches.
Room 6 made Beetroot and carrot crackers.
Room 7 made Parsley Pesto.
Room 8 made spinach raita.
Room 9 as above
Room 10 egyptian red beetroot dip.

Room 9 please tell me what you have learnt and what you enjoyed about today. You may even want to tell me how you helped in our little production line:-)


  1. I recon room9s food was the best and I really liked washing the lettuce and learn how to make that kind of sandwhich.Amy

  2. I loved room9s food aspecially the Marmite and
    lettuce sandwhich.It was delicious.Georgia

  3. i realize that room9s sandwich was the best.neo
