
Greetings and welcome to Room 9's blog.
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Trip to Botannical Gardens

We had a fantastic day today at the Botannical Gardens. We spent half of our day with an educator, and the other half exploring the gardens.
During our time with our educator we learned how to do many things.
Have a look at the photos to remind you of some of the neat things we did, then tell me about it.


  1. I liked the planting and learning about worm's when they put bark around the tree it means that there is worm's under the bark and the botannical garden people don't want the bird's to eat the worm's.I liked planting now.Uma s.d.

  2. I liked planting the pea seeds Shivasha!

  3. I liked planting the pea seed.Shivasha

  4. It was fun at the kids garden but it was sad that the edible garden was closed.DM

  5. the kids garden was fun but it was hard to get
    thew the tunells.Amy

  6. It was fun when we planted the seedlings.I learnt that you plant a pea seed 5cm deep.Devon.marr

  7. I like it when lynn showed us the worm poo liqud. Now my grandma is going to get one for us.

  8. It was fun when we planted the pea seedlings.louis.
