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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Term 1 - Reflection on our learning journey so far...

This afternoon before going home, we all shared some thoughts about our first term in Room 9. We talked about things that were difficult for us and how we now find them easy to do. We also shared specific tasks or subjects that we have made the most progreess in, as well as some goals we wish to achieve in term two.So go on Room Niners...tell us about your learning so far.


  1. I learned that Room 9 is full of very clever children. Their listening skills have improved, and now they are able to follow several instructions all at the same time. I have also seen a big improvement with reading comprehension. Lots of kids can answer questions about their stories, using full answers and juicy sentences. Thanks for being such good learners.

  2. I learnt to make juicy sentences and to have full answer for example "The problem in the story was that the dragon was crying and had no friends.


  3. Thanks Eve. This is a good example of how children in Room 9 are answering questions during reading times.

  4. I learned how to do full answer for example "You can found a drawbrirge beside a carsle.

  5. term 1 really scary because i did not know anybody in the class except Georgia, felix, Alex and Savasha. MM
