
Greetings and welcome to Room 9's blog.
Here you will find information, thoughts, and links to interesting new learning.
I hope you have fun.
Go and explore:-)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Trip to Botannical Gardens

We had a fantastic day today at the Botannical Gardens. We spent half of our day with an educator, and the other half exploring the gardens.
During our time with our educator we learned how to do many things.
Have a look at the photos to remind you of some of the neat things we did, then tell me about it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Growing Beans

This afternoon we sat out in the warm sunshine and planted some bean seeds. We each have our own seed which we will observe and watch grow into a yummy bean plant.
Before we planted our seeds, we took the time to read the instructions on the back of the seed packet. This told us some very important information that we really needed to know. Room 9, can you remeber what information was on the back of the seed packet? Post your answer.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Measuring using centimetres

For the first two weeks of term 2, Room 9 will be learning about measurement. We will be learning to measure using millimetres, centimetres, and metres.
If you'd like practice measuring in centimetrs and want to also practice measuring using scales (capacity) click here.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Term 1 - Reflection on our learning journey so far...

This afternoon before going home, we all shared some thoughts about our first term in Room 9. We talked about things that were difficult for us and how we now find them easy to do. We also shared specific tasks or subjects that we have made the most progreess in, as well as some goals we wish to achieve in term two.So go on Room Niners...tell us about your learning so far.